+977-9826124237, 9818461591, 01-4217766

Dermal Fillers

Cosmetic Services
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What is Dermal Fillers?

After certain age a particle called collagen, production is decreases & it causes certain gaps, appear on face or neck. Dermal fillers are used to correct these by injecting in those needed are as, which plumbs them up & makes the face well shaped again.

Are dermal fillers painful?

There is slight more pain than Botox so local anesthesia is given to patient before treatment.

Does it have any side effects?

There can be some small bruises or minor swelling in injected area which will go in max 1-2 weeks. There won’t be any side effects until & unless it is done by experts.

Dermal fillers don’t just fill gaps in your faces, they fill up your confidence & satisfaction too. Contact Us at

+977- 9826124237, 01-4217766 today for detailed consultation.

How much long do they last?

Dermal fillers are medicines so they are not permanent, they can last up to 1 and Half years.

Our Doctors
Our doctors are board-certified dermatologists who are trained in making the diagnosis and providing medical/surgical management of diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Additionally, they acquire high degree of expertise on aesthetic procedures & anti-aging treatment. Our experienced team offers the latest and most effective surgical and non-surgical procedures designed to firm, smooth, or clear up your skin and achieve a healthier, more youthful look.