+977-9826124237, 9818461591, 01-4217766


Cosmetic Services
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What is EXilis?

Exilis is a no-downtime, no pain, in-office procedure used for both combined skin tightening and non-invasive fat removal and body contouring. It is used to tone skin and improve skin texture while reducing unwanted areas of the fat using radiofrequency technology.

Exilis Elite is one of our advanced technology or method for treatment. Via this device there is a synchronized emission of radio frequency & ultrasound which is used for body shaping & skin tightening.

How long would the treatment last?

The recommended course of Exilis treatment is generally four to six sessions, one every two weeks. You can have additional Exilis treatments if desired. Each Exilis session takes about 20 to 30 minutes in length.

Is Exillis painful?

There is feeling of warm sensation or heat but its tolerable and the heat is adjustable by the machine.

Exillis treatment at skinciti are conducted with the best technology in the medical scene right now. Book your appointment & start your treatments. Contact Us at

+977- 9826124237, 01-4217766 today for detailed consultation.

Our Doctors
Our doctors are board-certified dermatologists who are trained in making the diagnosis and providing medical/surgical management of diseases of the skin, hair and nails. Additionally, they acquire high degree of expertise on aesthetic procedures & anti-aging treatment. Our experienced team offers the latest and most effective surgical and non-surgical procedures designed to firm, smooth, or clear up your skin and achieve a healthier, more youthful look.